1380 Easton Road, Warrington, PA, 18976-1818 
Chinese Food,Japanese,Sushi

Business Hours:

7 days a week
Open Hour
Monday - Thursday:11:00am - 10:00 pm
Friday - Saturday : 11:00 am - 10:30 pm
Sunday : 12:00 noon - 10:00 pm

Restaurant Location
Number of Employees
Number of Seats
Average Price
Restaurant Type
Chinese Food

Ratings 1 people have voted

Awards and Honors

For the Top 100 Restaurants
Top 100 Healthy Menus  (2010)


Reviewed by: siterank03 on: 2025/2/14 10:33:58
"Hello and Good Day! I wanted to quickly reach out and offer you an audit I completed for your website. This audit points out the actual issues on the site that are stopping you from dominating Google Search rankings and generate more business. I will be happy to share this audit with you via email if you are happy to review it. Please let me know if you want me to send it over and if you think it’s worth then we can talk about the solutions. Looking forward to hear from you with your email address and contact details. Kind Regards, Deepak"
Reviewed by: melie on: 2025/1/23 9:46:37
Hello Sue, My name is May from Uber Eats. I would like to follow up with you from our last conversation in December. Let's schedule a time to talk. I would love to hear from you soon and build a great Jade Island-Uber Eats partnership. Best, May
Reviewed by: info on: 2024/12/15 18:59:28
Hello. I'm Joseph O’Hayon, Vice President of Franchise Development with Franchise Creator. Have you ever considered expanding your business through franchising? Our proven all-in-one solution has helped close to 800 businesses like yours achieve remarkable growth. Let's explore how we can transform your brand into a successful franchise in just 15-30 minutes. Schedule your call here: https://calendly.com/fc-franchise-development/cf-franchise-development Best Regards, Joseph O’Hayon 754-306-4609 info@franchisecreatorintl.com
Reviewed by: info on: 2024/9/30 8:01:19
Hello. I'm Joseph O’Hayon, Senior Executive Consultant with Franchise Creator. Have you ever considered expanding your business through franchising? Our proven all-in-one solution has helped close to 800 businesses like yours achieve remarkable growth. Let's explore how we can transform your brand into a successful franchise in just 15-30 minutes. Schedule your call here: https://calendly.com/fc-franchise-development/cf-franchise-development Best Regards, Joseph O’Hayon 305-222-2201 info@franchisecreatorexpansion.com
Reviewed by: info on: 2023/11/12 1:37:20
Hello. I represent the country’s leading franchise consulting firm, Franchise Creator, responsible for growing over 600 businesses into multi-million-dollar empires, all through franchising. I am personally reaching out to you again because I truly believe you have developed a great concept which we can help you expand through franchising. I’d like to chat with you about our program and our proposed strategy to grow your company nationwide. Please use the following live calendar link to book a call with me: https://calendly.com/fc-franchise-development/franchise-development-cf Looking forward to speaking with you.
Reviewed by: webrank04 on: 2023/8/11 21:48:13
"Hello and Good Day! I was checking your website and see you have a good design and, it looks great, but it’s not ranking on Google and other major search engines. We are a 360° Digital Marketing Agency backed by experienced & innovative SEO Experts and, We helped over 1000+ businesses rank on the top (1st Page on Google). We offer cost-effective and high-quality solutions to small and medium-sized companies. If you want to make your website more visible on search engines, I can send you a detailed proposal and price list along with our case studies. Thanks & Regards Dipesh Lunthi, Business Development Executive"
Reviewed by: info on: 2023/7/5 4:50:14
Hello. I represent the country’s leading franchise consulting firm, Franchise Creator, responsible for growing over 600 businesses into multi-million-dollar empires, all through franchising. I am personally reaching out to you again because I truly believe you have developed a great concept which we can help you expand through franchising. I’d like to chat with you about our program and our proposed strategy to grow your company nationwide. Please use the following live calendar link to book a call with me: https://calendly.com/johnromney/fc-development-contact-form Looking forward to speaking with you.
Reviewed by: allanpard486 on: 2023/6/7 15:03:29
Hello, My name is Allan sheppard. I am having my party in JULY, and I want it to be held at your venue on the 23rd of july. I'm flexible with the date. Before we proceed with our request, please answer the questions below; 1. What's your mode of payment? 2. Can you work with our Family official band performing for the event? Await your quick response. Regards Allan sheppard
Reviewed by: mike on: 2023/6/1 20:14:33
Hi, There are a number of serious errors on your website. I can send you a screenshot of those errors if you would like. Regards, Mike Wilson (714) 500-7363
Reviewed by: info on: 2023/4/6 2:20:16
Just in case before wasn’t the right timing, I am personally reaching out to you again because I truly believe you have developed a great concept which my company can help you expand thru franchising. Whenever your time permits, I’d love to chat with you about our program and a strategy we recently employed to get to franchise 500 status. For your convenience, you can use the following live calendar link to book a call between us: https://calendly.com/johnromney/fc-development-contact-form Looking forward to speaking with you. Best Regards
Reviewed by: info on: 2022/9/27 3:39:24
Hope you can appreciate my persistence, I’ve been trying to reconnect with you to help grow your business nationally. You can’t possibly believe your franchised competitors are better than you. Fact is they’re growing. I have researched your brand and I have no doubt I can help you grow the business through franchising. To book a quick follow up call between us please use the following calendar link: https://calendly.com/johnromney/fc-development-contact-form Best Regards, John Romney
Reviewed by: adi on: 2021/12/23 5:44:31
Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, photo edits, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee. We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you.
Reviewed by: jillsherermurray on: 2021/12/9 7:22:31
Can I make a reservation for xmas? We're a party of 4 and want to come in at 5 o'clock. Please do let me know. Thanks! Jill Murray 215.622.5194
Reviewed by: brian.hall on: 2021/11/19 6:34:21
Hello, hope you're well. My name is Brian, I'm a multi-location specialist with Otter, working the PA area.  I'll keep this super brief, I imagine you've heard of Otter by now, as we're working with many of your PA neighbors and they really love us. We automate and consolidate your existing delivery partners (Grub, UberEats, Doordash, etc.) into 1 platform and get fresher food to your customers, faster, with fewer order issues.  Yes, we can do it through your existing POS, and no, we don't take a % of your profits, and yes, there's a complimentary dashboard (image below) you check out here. Can we find 2-5 minutes to do a quick discovery call?  I think you'll be impressed. I appreciate your time, I'll also try you by phone this week. Sincerely, Brian Brian Hall 516-703-4488 Book time with me! | Check out Otter's Website Follow Otter on LinkedIn | Refer a Friend
Reviewed by: ashley05rn on: 2021/9/24 13:28:17
To: From: Warrington Springs Community September 24, 2021 Dear I am writing on behalf of our community, Warrington Springs, off Street Road and Phillips Ave. We have 50 homes filled with Warrington locals who frequent your establishment. On Saturday, October 30, we are having our community day/ Halloween celebration and looking for your help to make prizes for kids or donate a snack. If you are able to donate any products or services for our kids and families, we would be happy to display your name or card for everyone to see supporters. Please feel free to come by to see the fun and thank you for your consideration of a contribution. Questions, please contact me. Ashley Hughes 267-283-6560
Reviewed by: info on: 2021/5/15 22:36:42
DOMAIN newjadeisland.com IMMEDIATE TERMINATION Invoice#: 576833 Date: 2021-05-17 INSTANT ATTENTION REQUIRED IN REGARDS TO YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com WILL BE TERMINATED WITHIN 12 HOURS We have not received your payment for the renewal of your domain newjadeisland.com We have tried to reach you by phone several times, to inform you in regards of the TERMINATION of your domain newjadeisland.com CLICK HERE FOR SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://lookupdomainstoday.ga/?n=newjadeisland.com&r=a&t=1621143397&p=v8 IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT WITHIN 12 HOURS, YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com WILL BE TERMINATED! CLICK HERE FOR SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://lookupdomainstoday.ga/?n=newjadeisland.com&r=a&t=1621143397&p=v8 YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com This important notification for newjadeisland.com will EXPIRE WITHIN 12 HOURS after you have received this email!
Reviewed by: info on: 2021/4/26 0:41:16
TERMINATION OF DOMAIN newjadeisland.com Invoice#: 481353 Date: 2021-04-27 IMMEDIATE ATTENTION REGARDING YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com IS ABSOLUTLY NECESSARY TERMINATION OF YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 24 HOURS Your payment for the renewal of your domain newjadeisland.com has not received yet We have tried to reach you by phone several times, to inform you regarding the TERMINATION of your domain newjadeisland.com CLICK HERE FOR SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://checkoutdomainsite.ga/?n=newjadeisland.com&r=a&t=1619422875&p=v13 IF WE DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT WITHIN 24 HOURS, YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com WILL BE TERMINATED! CLICK HERE FOR SECURE ONLINE PAYMENT: https://checkoutdomainsite.ga/?n=newjadeisland.com&r=a&t=1619422875&p=v13 YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR DOMAIN newjadeisland.com The submission notification newjadeisland.com will EXPIRE WITHIN 24 HOURS after reception of this email
Reviewed by: emma on: 2021/1/19 3:07:24
Hi, I found your website from a listing directory and observed that despite having a good design, your website still needs the best search engine optimization practice to get higher rankings on Google. I was wondering if you would be interested in optimizing your website to increase organic traffic and sales. All of our practices are “White Hat Techniques” and we strictly adhere to Google Webmasters Guidelines to promote our clients’ websites online. If you are interested, then I can send you our SEO Pricing, Latest Results, and procedure. Warm Regards Emma Smith
Reviewed by: melphoto755 on: 2020/12/15 8:34:09
Hi there! This is Melynda and I am a professional photographer. I was discouraged, frankly speaking, when I saw my images at your web-site. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner's consent, you should be aware that you could be sued by the owner. It's illegitimate to use stolen images and it's so сheap! See this document with the links to my images you used at newjadeisland.com and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my copyrights. Download it now and check this out for yourself: https://sites.google.com/view/id1008900044/google/drive/file/downloads/storage?FileID=246458515867377330 If you don't remove the images mentioned in the document above during the next couple of days, I'll file a to your hosting provider informing them that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property. And if it is not enough, for damn sure I am going to take legal action against you! And I won't give you a prior notice again.
Reviewed by: entherman63 on: 2020/5/16 14:52:54
Just placed an order for Rich Herman. May we please have BROWN rice instead of white rice. Thank you
Reviewed by: bobborka on: 2020/5/10 8:46:08
I have an order for 5pm pickup under the name Borka. the order is for Mandarin Shrimp & Steak along with Beef and Brocolli. Please put BROWN rice with the Beef and Brocolli instead of white rice. I may have forgotten this when I placed the order. Thank you for your attention to this.
Reviewed by: blee on: 2020/5/6 7:34:09
Hello,Invitation to Asian-owned Restaurants and Grocery Stores to Join AACCGP’s “Asian Eats” Campaign Asian Eats is an initiative of the Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia (AACCGP) to promote Asian American and Pacific Islander-owned businesses in the food and hospitality industry in these difficult times. Asian Eats will provide a list of Asian grocery stores and restaurants offering takeout and delivery services to customers who enjoy Asian cuisine but are not able to do so due to limited mobility and COVID-19 business closures. This campaign will continue through the end of May to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Free to join, If you have multiple businesses please fill out one PARTICIPATION FORM per business.https://asianchamberphila.org/asian-eats/
Reviewed by: fcraig on: 2020/3/25 9:42:36
I am reaching out to check in and see how everyone is doing. I truly hope you and the family are well. I know these are difficult times for a lot of families and businesses, so if there is anything I can be of assistance with please do not hesitate to contact me. We are currently offering the following solutions: ? Special introductory rates on Certain Small Business Line of Credits ? 20 Month 0% Personal Credit Offer with our Visa Platinum (consumer) and Visa Business Non Rewards. ? Special Introductory rates on Home Equity Lines of Credit Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you or anyone you know. Thanks, Frank @ Fulton Bank 215.491.9503 Fcraig@fultonbank.com
Reviewed by: mz_williams87 on: 2019/3/21 10:16:17
I love this place. The food is always delicious and they deliver very quickly.
Reviewed by: myyanks27 on: 2019/2/11 13:52:14
Do you deliver and make pork egg foo young
Reviewed by: myyanks27 on: 2019/2/11 13:51:04
Do you deliver and make pike egg foo young
Reviewed by: joanrose108 on: 2018/12/29 10:01:15
May I place a takeout order Sunday for pick up on Monday Dec. 31st for 2:30pm?
Reviewed by: scottmsr on: 2018/12/17 10:55:52
I thought you would like to know, it looks like you've misspelled the word "sland" on your website. Silly mistakes can ruin your site's credibility. In the past I've used a tool like SpellingScan.com to keep mistakes off my website. -Scott Matthews Sr.
Reviewed by: keq14ii on: 2018/6/28 16:01:13
My name is Kelly Brown I work with a non-profit organization called Between Friends Outreach Inc., which helps the homeless, low-income and veterans in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. We are having a Guys and Gals Bingo Fundraiser on July 27, 2018. We are wondering if you would be willing to donate a gift certificate for our raffle baskets. Any further information you need, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration, Kelly Brown